So a few months ago I received a phone call from a friend of ours named Bill. He said that a group of friends with UTV’s (Utility Vehicles) were going to be heading on a midnight run from Lake Pleasant to Jerome in Arizona. I figure that it would be fun to ride along. The weather would be nice because it drops down to a fantastic 85 degrees at night and we can be in the hotel once the sun starts to cook Arizona. Well Life being as it is, we end up leaving from the lake at 7 am just as it broke the 95 degree mark. Regardless, we started our run up north. Thankfully the temperature began to drop as we gained elevation. We had a few hiccups along the way, vehicles breaking down, tires popping on some of the very jagged rocks along the route. But the unbelievable views from the many vistas, and the ever-changing landscape made any difficulties all worth it. We had a fantastic time and really cannot wait to do it again.