These two love birds got ahold of us to shoot their engagement shoot and came back for a rock the dress session. They got married on the beach in the Dominican Republic but also wanted some fun shots near where they live in Arizona. Shawna didn’t want anything to happen to her beautiful wedding dress but she still wanted to play around in the grassy fields we found so she opted to bring a more casual fun dress she didn’t have to worry about. Thanks Guys, we had a great day, and you two looked fantastic!
Monthly Archives: May 2011
The Middle of the shoot with Kimmen and Larry led us to this great part of the Garden district along Magazine street. We found some really fun walls, doorways and side streets. The rain was relentless so we just went with it. Sometimes you just have to keep shooting regardless of what the weather is doing. These two were so cute. and made our jobs easier even though the weather was foul. Thanks guys we had a wonderful soggy time with you.
We were in New Orleans for a week and had scheduled a shoot with Kimmen and Larry to happen the last couple days we were there. We were blessed with fabulous weather for the first half of our trip. But the rain gods crashed down on us the morning of Kimmen’s shoot. So instead of deciding to let it get the best of us, we headed out and braved the weather with gear wrapped in plastic bags and a pile of new umbrellas. The weather man predicted a torrential down pour but lucky for us it mostly kept to a light sprinkle. We had been seeing the wonderful street cars pass by all week up and down St.Charles Ave and felt we just couldn’t leave NOLA without incorporating them into our shoot. Our vision was to get some fun shots on the street cars but apparently when it rains people pack into the green cars like sardines, so that wasn’t going to happen. Kimmen and Larry had a blast playing on the tracks and didn’t get too wet. Thanks Kimmen and Larry for braving the rain!
The Birch Aquarium in La Jolla was offering free admission for mothers on Mother’s Day. After a relaxing morning eating fresh fruit and hot baked scones we piled in the car and headed off to see the fish. The Birch Aquarium has some absolutely breath taking exhibits to look at, one of my favorite being the jelly fish. I wouldn’t want to be caught dead in the water with them but they sure are beautiful to watch from behind glass. We all thoroughly enjoyed ourselves and I believe mom’s favorite was the Sea Horse exhibit. I was surprised to learn that they have a sea horse nursery where the Aquarium works hard to raise and protect new generations of sea horses. There is even the option to adopt a sea horse, however contrary to how it sounds you don’t actually get to take it home and raise it for your own. We had a great time and opted to leave our bad boy cameras at home, but we did get some fun Hipsta shots. I totally recommend going to the Birch Aquarium if you haven’t been in a while.

I had never seen a black and white clown fish... He's awesome!

I think we stood around watching these guys for a good 20 minutes... can you say easily entertained?

These guys were totally smiling

Seahorse Nursery

Amazing view from the children's tide pools