We met Ashley and Bryant only a few days before their departure from San Diego. They have enjoyed their last couple years in sunny San Diego but were excited to move to Salt Lake City where they would be closer to their families. They wanted a nice reminder of this beautiful city they had grown so fond of, and what better way to remember the good times than with pictures of their favorite places. Ashley and Bryant were frequent guests of the Coronado Ferry landing, getting a drink at Peonies and watching the boats come in and out of the harbor, or sitting lazily on the grass enjoying the warm weather. We thought it would be quite fitting to capture them doing the things they enjoyed most at this beautiful spot. Ashley and Bryant we had such a great time hanging out with you in your last days in San Diego, and we hope that you are falling in love with your new city as much as you did with San Diego!
Here are some moodier photographs we have been working on from our drip to Death Valley this last spring. We had two very different photographic visions while we were out in Death Valley One was colorful as seen in our previous post, and the other vision was much darker. There is an eery and desolate beauty in many areas of Death Valley. Mines, gas stations, and homes have been built and then left to rot, rust and fade back into the desert. Those are just the beginning to the strange things we saw along our trip. At the Race Track heavy rocks leave long trails in the dry lake bed. The general feeling we got while wandering the miles of dry cracked lake bed in pursuit of rock trails was very ominous. There were random bursts of incredibly strong winds, biting through our clothes and attempting to knock us over. Then nothing, no wind, no sounds from desert animals, not even a fly. Seeing the rocks with their zig zagging trails also gave us a magical yet off kilter feeling. There are theories as to how the rocks appear on the dry lake bed and slide around making their trails, but no one really knows what happens out there. We don’t alwayas get a lot of time to work on

This marks the crossroads to the racetrack. Campers right their names on their teapots and leave them here for others to see. We wanted to leave one with all our names on it but none of us actually brought a teapot with us. Next time.
The beauty of the dunes never ceases to amaze us. This time of year we discovered a new friend out in the dunes with us, Bees. The Creosote bushes were covered in these cute little yellow flowers and the Bees were courting them for all the nectar they could get. The Bees however got a little confused while we were wandering their dunes and kept following us around. A couple of them even landed on Brett. Their low buzzing made for a nice symphony accompanying our sunrise.
Last time we saw Logan, he was only 10 days old and was spending most of his time sleeping. Here we are 6 months later and he has grown into such a cute little young man. It’s just incredible how much babies grow and change in their first year. Which is why we love doing a series of shoots that showcase a baby’s growth. The traditional ages to schedual shoots during your baby’s first year, is as a new born, at 6 months, 9 months and the 1 year mark. But we also love it when new mommies opt for their first shoot with us to be a maternity shoot.
The fair is a place for demonstrating your manliness by winning your girl a stuffed animal, eating funnel cake followed by cotton candy followed by a carmel apple. Almost loosing it all on a ride that spins to fast, and then jumping on swings that fly! For photographers the fair is a play ground full of bright lights, colors and movement. Its a place to open up your shutter and see what happens. We had a blast this summer running around at the San Diego County Fair taking pictures of what ever struck our fancy. The great thing about the fair is that you never know what your going to end up seeing while your there. This year we were witness to sheep wearing spandex! Anywhere else I would have been frightened, but at the Fair it’s just amusing.

Sheep in Zebra Clothing!!!!

These guys decided to coordinate outfits for the competition. I think they mean business!

So many people…

We took this one with our IR camera. The camera picked up some interesting light going on above the swings on this shot.

We ran into our long time friends Nacole and West. They are so cute, West wins her a new stuffed doggie every year. This year’s pooch makes #9

We sometime entertain ourselves by making faces. This time we were waiting for our photo booth pictures. It felt like forever before that little strip of 4 images popped out.