We loved working with Allison and Andy! The two of them are so fun and playful. They picked out a really beautiful spot for their engagement shots, Agua Caliente Park, in Tuscon Arizona. It reminded us of a small oasis or sanctuary in the middle of the desert. The park has this beautiful little lake with an old bridge and palm trees spread out all over. We wanted to do some shots on the bridge but sadly it’s falling apart and very unsafe. Agua Caliente Park was just an incredible little spot and we are so glad Allison and Andy picked it out for our shoot. This engagement session was so much fun, and we just can’t wait for their wedding in May!
This year we spent Valentine’s Day in one of the coldest places Brett and I have ever been, Bemidji Minnesota! We got really lucky too, it’s usually negative 20 degrees with intensely cold wind chill. It got as high as 27 degrees during our stay, which we were told was unseasonably warm! I have to say that I have never loved my North Face jacket more than on this trip. It kept me nice and toasty. Well, it and the other 5 layers I had on. The reason for our adventure to Bemidji at this time of year, was to attend and Photograph our friends’ Tracy and Jake’s Wedding(Pictures coming soon). Tracy and I have known one another from the age 5, so it was truly one of the most touching moments of my life to be at my long time best-friend’s wedding capturing her most precious moments. And I have to say you know it’s a good wedding when everyone is still on the dance floor at 1 am and even the DJ is rocking out and singing along.
Brett and I made new friends on this trip (whom we already miss and cant wait to see again) two of which we stayed with, Leah and Troy. We invaded their home for the weekend, leaving our mass amounts of camera gear all over their upstairs bedroom, playing with their wonderful dogs Joe and Thor, wandering around aimlessly taking pictures of all their horses, and my personal favorite Troy taking us on Mr.Toads wild ride in the front yard, getting the truck stuck in the snowbank and then when we thought all was lost, getting it unstuck. Leah and Troy were the most amazing hosts. There was even home made lasagna and garlic bread when we arrived after our 2 hour drive from Fargo. Leah your amazing!
After all that Leah and Troy had already done for us over the weekend, Leah made my Valentine’s Day perfect by hooking up her 2 draft horses and taking us all out on a sleigh ride through the snow filled woods on their property. And I have to say Tracy put it perfectly when she described our ride in the woods as reminding her of something out of “The Lion The Witch and The Wardrobe”. I was expecting to spot a lone lamp post at any moment.
Here are some pictures from our amazing Valentine’s Day sleigh ride!

I love the effect the wind had in this picture kicking up the snow. Although at the time I have to say that I was not a big fan of the bone chilling gusts of wind.

Tracy’s horse Kara wanted to come with us. She troted along side the sleigh until she ran out of fence

Joe jumped off the sleigh not realizing how deep the snow was, and immediately tired to get back on. It took him a few tries.

Brett totally missed me making my snow angel! And it was a really good one, you’ll just have to take my word for it.
Thank you, Tracy, Jake, Leah and Troy for a weekend we will never forget. We cant wait to come back and visit with you in the fall!
This cute little Persian popped into the lives of Roxie and Scottie only 2 weeks ago. When they first laid eyes on this little fuzzball, it was love at first site. We were so excited to come by and take pictures of the little fellow. Scottie calls the little guy Mr.Bob cat and Roxie lovingly nicknamed him Monkey because his favorite place to watch the world is from her shoulder. They also have a wonderful 3 year old Cockapoo named Sadie. She and Mr.Bob cat are becoming fast friends. Sadie’s favorite game is fetch, and we got to witness Mr. Bob cat trying to join in. He chases after her green tennis balls, his little fluffy tail in the air, he makes a good effort.
Scotty was out of town for our little photo shoot, but we had so much fun with Roxie, Sadie and Mr.Bob Cat.
So for my birthday last October I decided that all I wanted to do was go to Disneyland. It had been years sense I had been and what better reason to go than FREE ticket on your birthday! So I dragged Brett to the best place on earth (now when I say dragged, really I mean we eagerly jumped in the car and couldn’t wait to be 5 year olds again). The wonderful woman at the ticket booth gave me my Golden ticket and a giant button that said “It’s My Birthday!” Now I personally think that everyone should go to Disneyland at least once on their birthday. Everyone smiles at you and wishes you a happy birthday. How awesome is that!
So Yes I know my birthday was months ago. But we have been so buys with other people’s pictures, our websites, creating this new Blog as well as with the Holidays, that I hadn’t really gotten the chance to check out all the fun Brett and I had at Disneyland. The pictures got downloaded to his computer and have just sat there. So I’m taking a few minutes to reminisce and share the fun time we had.