Our sister company 3 Little Pooches Stylish Pet Photography was craving cupcakes last week and took a little outing to Cups in La Jolla. Cups is a fantastic cupcakery that really has something for everyone. They specialize in making organic cupcakes but they also make fresh gluten free and vegan cupcakes. A few things we learned about Cups while we were there: they have a fantastic room in the back for parties! This is also where they hold their cooking classes. And it’s not just desserts they teach, Chefs from all over San Diego come in and teach. Here’s a link for more information on the schedule of their upcoming cooking classes.
For those of us that love the company of our furry companions, Cups is a dog friendly shop with a special pup patio just for your 4 legged companion. The best part is, your dog doesn’t have to feel left out while you nibble on your cupcake because Cups makes special cupcakes for dogs that they call Cuppies. Our pups got to try some peanut butter and bacon Cuppies, and lets just say that there wasn’t a crumb left when it was time to leave. Check out our sister company the 3 Little Pooches to see more from this fun day!

Peanut butter and bacon Cuppies!

Maggie is super stoked!

Cuppies = cupcakes for pooches. Love it!

Tommy and Kita, hanging on the Pup Patio, sharing a moment over their Cuppie