Lauren and Brandon are the cutest couple, Lauren is a fashion stylist with a degree from FIDM in LA who is currently the fashion stylist for Urban Outfitters here in San Diego. Brandon is her fun boyfriend, we didn’t go into what he did, she said his job was to look good. So we just went with that. When we got together with Lauren she had mentioned that she wanted to flex her styling wings, and we mentioned that we wanted to shoot in the wildflowers while they were still here. So we put our minds together and came up with an idea for a vintage styled date in the wildflowers. Now, with us only having a few of the things we needed to accomplish this, we turned to our dear friend Erin at Erin Hall Events to give us a hand making our vintage dreams a reality. She is amazing with her current and growing stock of wonderful vintage pieces and her go to attitude to make whatever we dont have, we went to work designing the shoot. When we finally narrowed down the ideas we cam up with a few fun elements. A Vintage tandem bicycle, (Which we found out later they were unable to actually ride) A really cool old Polaroid that we would incorporate, a picknick on a blanket with old time sodas and some delicious mini cup cakes from Cups in La Jolla, a homemade kite and a few other amazing embellishments. Once we had all that we locked down the location and went to work on it. Shoot day was amazing and as you can see, we had nothing but fun.

Erin hand made this super cute kite for Lauren and Branden to have fun with. Love it!

mmmmm…. Cups!