Merry Christmas and Happy Chanukah everyone! Last year’s holiday cards were fake mustaches and goofy glasses. This year Brett decided to rock his own mustache and I had to up the stakes with a ridiculous pair of purple pants. We really wanted to come up with something that would make people laugh this year and after a few calls and some thrift storing we came up with this. Kristen at White Wedding Day came to our aid and found us the amazing ski sets and shaggy rug at their rental house. When it came time to choose what photo would win the prize of making the front of our card we just couldn’t choose. We just loved them all, so we sent out all our favorites. Enjoy the series and we hope that everyone has a fantastic New Years!
-Liz and Brett

Had to get the doggies in on the fun

"I just wanna DANCE!"
Are you ready for the outtakes?

And we had a Captain moment.