Brett and I have always talked about seeing the sites our city has to offer us but have never done anything about it. When we lived in Santa Barbara we we’re so wrapped up in school that we never took the time to go do anything touristy. The closest we came was buying an ice cream on the SB pier after a photo shoot. In LA we always talked about going to universal studios or walking the Hollywood stars, Yep never did that either. So when our friends Dottie and Josh came into town to stay we all decided it was about time to play tourist. San Diego is one of the cities that’s home to the GoCar. GoCars are 3 wheeled electric cars with a GPS that guides you around San Diego and spews out random facts of the city’s history. At this point there are only 2 tour routs, one takes you all over Point Loma and the other goes all around Down Town. The best part is you can go off tour at any time to explore other areas. The 4 of us has a blast!

That's right we had to wear helmets

GoCar Races!

Yep, it's just not an adventure with out Domo along for the ride

don't even ask

We weren't sure our brakes were going to stop us on the hills of Point Loma

Dottie and Josh got the jump on us when it came to up hill

We had a little extra time so we jumped onto the Down Town tour for a few minutes. It takes you by the USS Midway Museum